Tag Secure

Sensormatic Tags

The industry leading Tag Secure system is based on innovative technology that helps retailers and industry improve their operational security benchmarks through better loss-prevention and tracking solutions.

Source Tagging is the process of embedding an EAS label into a product’s primary packaging or into the product itself at the point of manufacture. The process leads to greater retail chain efficiencies, increased sales, lower shrink and higher profitability.

Source Tagging evolved from over 40 years of EAS excellence for the retail industry. As part of the industry’s continuous growth initiatives, retailers require more efficient and foolproof methods of protecting their goods from shoplifters, and reducing the labor costs associated with EAS tagging. Today, Sensormatic® is the global leader of Source Tagging with retail stores receiving over 4.5 billion products source tagged at the point of manufacture.

We utilize a distribution arrangement with Sensormatic. the global leader in EAS solutions

Find out more information about applications and worldwide industry standards here: Applications 

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